Saturday, February 26, 2011

Desert Gardens, Desert Trails and Mission View

The last few days of our trip have been full! We played at Desert Gardens RV out in Florence, AZ on Thursday. Besides the fun we had playing for those people, they have a beautiful manicured walk all around the park. The weather was perfect for getting some exercise and see some beautiful cactus.

Next off to Desert Trails RV in Tucson... There was another great area with trails behind the RV park, so we got in a short walk before the show.

We were met by a lively and enthusiastic crowd. They were so encouraging to play for. Leah put on her "ham" outfit for some reason and really livened things up as well.

Today we were able to visit with friends from Tucson and then use our last 2 days of a pass to the Sonora Desert Museum. Love the hummingbird nesting -- I've never seen that!

Tonight we blew in the door at Mission View RV. It's getting cold here, again! We were blessed beyond measure in our time singing and then visiting with many brothers and sisters. A special night!

And then just some extras...

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